Jan Grulich

Calendar plasmoid

I finished my third plasmoid as part of my bachelors thesis. I hope it’s a little bit better than my previous plasmoids and I tried to make it as good equivalent to default KDE calendar plasmoid. Unlike the default KDE calendar plasmoid this plasmoid has separated agenda. You can choose how many weeks you want to display in agenda or choose various colors for various calendars or choose color for all parts of agenda widget.

The second part is “month view” where you can see days with events and display events in selected day. In settings you can choose colors for various cells.

In the end you can add event or edit existing event via default incidence editor. As my previous plasmoids it’s designed to use Akonadi-google resources so if you want to use all collections you will have to add -DALL_COLLECTIONS=true to cmake command.

I hope that someone will like it. If you find some bugs or you have some tips to improvements please let me know.

You can get it from my KDE git repository

Google contacts plasmoid

I changed some things in my Contacts plasmoid and I don’t know what could I improve on them so I decided to publish it on my blog. It’s my first plasmoid of my bachelor’s thesis and also my first plasmoid experience. I just chose it because it was the simplest part of my bachelor’s thesis and this plasmoid cannot do much. You can simply use it for quickly searching phone numbers or emails of your contacts. You can also edit your contacts or write them email by clicking on their email address. This plasmoid is designed to use Akonadi-google for your Google contacts but it could work with all Akonadi contacts collections. If you want to use all collections you will have to add -DALL_COLLECTIONS=true to cmake command.


I hope that someone will find this useful. If you find some bugs or you have some tips to improvements please let me know.

You can get it from my KDE git repository.


Google tasks plasmoid

I just finished my second google plasmoid which is part of my bachelor’s thesis. It’s a plasmoid for displaying your tasks from your google account and you need for that Akonadi-google resources. I tried to make this plasmoid useful. It is not only for displaying your task but you can mark tasks as completed or simply add new tasks and you also can edit your existing tasks. If you don’t like default colors for tasks or tasks order, you can simply change it from appearance properties of this plasmoid.

Some screenshots:

You can get it from my KDE git repository where you can find my first google contact plasmoid.

If you like this plasmoid I will be happy and I will be also happy if you tell me about some bugs.

Bye 🙂

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